Welcome to the Manor Adventure 2010 Blog!

Please scroll down to the bottom of the page and work your way back up. Oldest posts are at the bottom!

Friday 19 February 2010

Wednesday 17 February 2010


Climbing and some rather silly interviews...

Lunchtime at the Manor...

Site Tour


Hi everyone, hope you are enjoying your holidays. I have spent about 3 days learning a new programme to edit videos...this is my first, pretty basic Final Cut Express vid! Hopefully they will get better!

Thursday 11 February 2010

Video Sampler 4

Disco Disco Disco

Thursday update 2!

The groups have just gone off for their 4th activity of the day...2 groups orienteering and 1 group abseiling! The sun is out and its not TOO cold, and the children who 'traded in' their warm jackets for a football have been told to trade back :-).

We are waiting for Mr. Haselgrove to arrive to see the children and are looking forward to our evening walk through the countryside. It should certainly ensure a good nights sleep for all!

See you all tomorrow- there may be more photos and vids on the blog if Mr. Sansom has time to create and publish them!

Video Sampler 3

Letters home! Please click your letter to enlarge and read!

Letters home!

Letters home!

Letters home!

Letters home!

Letters home!

Letters home!

Letters home!

Photos Day 3

Photos Day 3

Thursday update

Hi from Manor Adventure! We are all having a fantastic time and enjoyed our disco and Pritam's birthday cake last night! This morning we have been doing the high ropes course, obstacle course, survival and a quiz. The teachers are taking lots of photos and video...

Mr. Sansom asked us to write some messages home which he's hoping to be able to publish today on here! Thank-you for all your guestbook messages. We're all quite tired today and looking forward to our nice warm beds tomorrow!

Wednesday 10 February 2010

Video Sampler 2

Wednesday Update

Hi everyone!
As you can see, we have been successful in uploading some photos and video. Full versions will be made available on our return and available on the website!

The children were 'out like lights' last night and every room needing waking up this morning- some more than others- although we did not require the 'wet flannel' treatment in the end!

They have had a hearty cooked breakfast- sausages, bacon, toast, beans etc. and are now on their second activity of the day. Groups have done archery, caving and abseiling today- all thoroughly enjoyed- and some have even conquered their fear of heights. We will try to reply to some of your guestbook messages today although we only have intermittent internet access! Some children have posted their postcards- you should hopefully receive them before the children return!

Further updates this evening...

Mr. Sansom

Video Sampler 1

Day 2 Photos Abseiling- click the 'play' button to play photo 'movie'

Photos Day 2- click the 'play' button to play photo 'movie'

Photos Day 1- click the 'play' button to play photo 'movie'

Tuesday 9 February 2010

Photo Uploading Trouble...

Hi- we are experiencing some technical difficulties uploading photos. Have tried a couple of different ways this evening to no avail. Will try again tomorrow...sorry! The photos are great by the way! Mr. Sansom

It's all good!

Hi- everyone is fine! We've had an exciting, cold and tiring day...the children are currently BMX biking or rifle shooting. We had a good night last night- most slept very well- we're sure they will ALL sleep this evening as they are shattered! Thank-you for messages on the guestbook- we are passing them onto your children as and when they arrive on Mr. S's iphone, but network connection is quite patchy!

More news tomorrow...and hopefully some video!

Monday 8 February 2010

How to contact us...

Please send any messages via the Chad Vale website message board. We will try to get some messages from Manor mid-week!

Chad Vale Message Board

Thursday 4 February 2010

Packing List

Luggage: large suitcase+one piece of hand luggage if required (the children do not have to carry them far!)

Bedding: sleeping bag or duvet and a pillow case

Indoor Clothes;
5 T-shirts/long-sleeved t-shirts
3-4 pairs of warm trousers- jogging bottoms/cargo pants
5 jumpers/sweatshirts/cardigans/fleeces
8-10 sets of underwear/socks
2 towels
Deodorant/toothpaste/soap/shower gel/shampoo
Slippers for indoor use

Outdoor Clothes;
Strong, warm and waterproof walking boots
3 pairs of thick socks suitable for wearing under walking boots
1-2 pairs of old trainers
Warm and waterproof outdoor coat

A set of thermals or a ‘base layer’
A set of ‘Disco Clothes’
A torch
2-3 disposable cameras or a cheap digital camera
Swimsuit for wearing in shower if required
Waterproof over-trousers

You DO NOT need…
Rucksack, riding boots!

Please note you SHOULD NOT pack any items that are valuable or precious e.g. mp3 players, expensive digital cameras, handheld games- neither school nor Manor Adventure can be held liable for items that are damaged or lost.



Monday 1 February 2010

Text from Manor Adventure 2010 Final Letter

Manor Adventure 2010 Final Update

Dear Parents/Guardians,

I hope your preparations for Manor Adventure week are going well and you are looking forward to some peace and quiet! This letter details any final arrangements and I include a copy of the packing list on the reverse.

Monday Dinner
Your child will need to bring their normal packed lunch or dinner money on Monday 8th February as we leave after lunch at school. They will have lunch at Manor Adventure for the rest of the week.

Spending Money
You may wish to give your child approximately £10 spending money for snacks and drinks whilst at Manor Adventure. Please note this should be provided in change (no notes!) as the snacks/drinks machines only take coins. Could you please provide any money in a clearly labelled purse or wallet that your child can keep safely in the room and explain to your child that they are responsible for their own money (and spending!) and that they will need to ‘budget’ throughout the week.

Please ensure that your child does not pack any valuable or electronic items. Please don’t pack mobile phones for your child- there is very poor service on-site. If your child needs to phone home, the teachers will arrange this.

Toiletries/Packing items
Please remember to pack toothbrush/toothpaste, soap/shampoo, towels, duvet or sleeping bag and pillow cases. Please ensure that all items are labelled with your child’s name.

If you indicated on your Medical Form that you would be happy for teachers to administer paracetemol, ibuprofen or anti-histamine please provide this in a bag labelled with your child’s name. All medications will be collected on arrival and stored securely. They will be returned to your child before leaving the site on Friday.

Welcome to the Manor Adventure 2010 Blog!

Please check in daily to see photos, video and news from Manor Adventure 2010!